$99.00 AUD

This Course is strictly non-refundable.

Not using the materials or participating in the course does NOT qualify you for a full or partial refund of any kind. 

This course is Jeri Childers' intellectual property, therefore you CAN NOT repurpose, duplicate, copy, or sell the content of this course in ANY way, without Jeri Childers'  written permission. 

By proceeding to payment, you understand and agree that coaching is entirely personal and therefore results relating to marketing outcomes, financial revenue, business growth, or results of any kind, are unique to each individual. Jeri Childers does not guarantee any specific outcomes or results.

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Find Your Fingerprint For Success™

Know your strengths, and get the clarity, confidence, and courage required to create your career and business success.

What You Will Get

  • Access to an online assessment that measures 48 different traits
  • A personalized report on your strengths and blind spots that will enable you to benchmark yourself with successful leaders, entrepreneurs, and business builders 
  • A workbook with resources to build clarity and confidence
  • A coaching session to bring you clarity, allowing you to develop a roadmap to success  
  • Access to coaching to support your goal achievement
  • Access to a community of successful female leaders, startup founders, and business owners willing to share their secrets to success

What People Are Saying:

True to her word—Jeri will accelerate your career! Jeri helped me to identify my strengths and blind spots and to clarify where I wanted to go in the next steps in my career and plan an achievable pathway to reach my goals.

Emaly Black

Jeri gave me the knowledge, confidence, and the skills required to form my own venture, manage a team, raise capital, and build technology that will positively impact the lives of others.

Rowan Smith

Jeri helped me think through my strengths and values and how they aligned with the life I want to live, and the career I want to have. She helped me gain confidence.

Arti Agrawal